
  • Marsha Massiah, Founder and Executive Director

    Marsha’s love affair with stories began as she clung to the hemline of her grandmother’s skirt, the eager, young, wide-eyed receiving vessel for generations of her families’ stories. Unbeknownst to her family and herself, her purpose as a repository for Caribbean anthologies was being fashioned. Much later in adulthood and after two decades in education and event management as a hobby, Marsha migrated her passions to its happy place: the intersection of Caribbean stories, culture and history. The BCLF was born out of her fiery devotion to her heritage and the need to promote the islands to which she is eternally indebted. Yearly, she mirrors Explainer’s Lorraine and leaves NY and her career as an instructional designer in healthcare behind. She dons wings and flies south to play ah Mas in the Greatest Festival on Earth – although she despises drinking rum. She is a proud honors graduate of the University of the West Indies, lists a 3-day stint in a roti shop among her wealth of work experience, and is obsessed with proving that one can indeed, with exercise, outwork a steady diet of cake and pone.