
  • Celeste Mohammed, Writer

    CELESTE MOHAMMED is a Trinidadian lawyer-turned-writer and the author of “Pleasantview”(Ig, Jacaranda, 2021; Ouida, 2022) which won the 2022 OCM Bocas Prize for Caribbean Literature, the 2022 CLMP Firecracker Award for Fiction, and was a finalist for the UK Society of Authors McKitterick Prize for Fiction. Celeste holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Lesley University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Her short stories have won numerous awards including a 2018 PEN/Robert J. Dau Short Story Prize. 
    Celeste’s goal is to dispel all myths about island life and island people and to highlight the various points of intersection between the Caribbean and the wider world. A Different Energy is Celeste’s Non-Fiction debut.